Holy moly, we’re off in the morning!!!!
Here’s some of the local scenery and your amazing team, all preparing like true Olympians for the gargantuan task ahead. I'm not sure what our B and B had in store for us when they said last night, they'd got an artist in for us.....slightly filled with intrepidation, as there would be only six of us eating in front of this performer, but I suppose, even Barbara Streisand must have started somewhere.
Phoenix nights for everyone!
I was desperately hoping the beer would numb any embarrassment/fear I had and I hope the 'Artiste' wouldn't hold my gaze or was able to read my thoughts....." dear Lord don't let there be any audience participation involve/expected/encouraged ! "
This was all probably based on my adopted southern suspicion of anything gestured kindly. I know this misplaced wariness was swiftly eradicated and the 'Artiste' provided by our benevolent and kind B and B was wonderful. Vallum house, near Carlisle were charming and so hospitable, I would come back again. Artiste permitting.
We all met up to discuss terrain, tactics and tents, or rather share a few beers and calm pre match nerves. The Kings arms provided that perfect meeting point for the variety of arrival times, food requirements and beers necessities.
Another warm welcome and helpful proprietor later, this is panning out nicely !
I'd like to say it was an early night, probably best not to stretch the truth at all and just admit how rubbish I am at time keeping.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.....healthy, maybe not feeling so healthy after the beers !
Here's the link again, please share and promote this great and worthy cause #macmillan
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