Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Day 3 - Mohope, Hexham

We've arrived in Mohope with no hope....who am I kidding, I can smell the sea!!

Singing helps with the walking boredom "Doe a dear lord and make The sun stop !"
So this was our toughest day so far, in terms of aches, patience and thresholds pushed. Interestingly nobody was pushed off the wall, must be a good sign. I have consistently trained in rain and cold, so have four seasons in one day was a test. Sweating like a lunatic mother on 'Make my child a star' one minute, to cold and clammy 'like you're 15 trying to bluff your way into a night club' to damp outside and soaking wet under your breathable (LIARS!) waterproof - nice!.
Or all of the above, hot, wet and wild like a 'two dollar Ho' earning rent. Either which way, it ain't pretty.

Killing time, alleviating boredom. I'm running through my music library, this is far less grand in reality, as I'm searching for a song with 'Skiddledong' in the lyrics. That distracted me for over an hour, especially juggle walking poles, rucksack, iPod, undulating terrain and two left feet. Music back on and the next hour is killed thinking if I need the toilet.

I'm sure these were the very same issues that Marco Polo faced, the great explorer. I'm sure he was always worrying if the shop 8 miles away, will still be open to buy a packet of hobnobs and/or can I urinate here and not be seen. I kept thinking, can we just fast forward this part of the day, to 'two pints of beer' Simon sitting in a bar? If I was watching myself on a television programme right now, I so would be watching on x2 or x6 or better x30 speed.
I've walked today and have seen beyond guaragantuan fortitude to finish. Feet in tatters but will is still strong, nothing seems to stop this gaggle to the truly bitter end.......today I think it's the pub at the journey's end, however yesterday, when fresher, it's altruism....we all joked about the 20k we've raised (well I did ) that it could pay for the nurses to hit Ibiza, do 20litres of sambuca and get messed up on strippers and coke....however they do amazing work and I will not demean their contribution and the difference they absolutely made to us!
We however, look fooked up and a bit broken. If it wasn't for the 'rain man' approach of some, to mention the difference our money makes, I would have got an über!

This again reminds me of the spirit and strength,that keeps it real. My bit of hardship........ok I'm not sleeping in tent, but I'm there in spirit.

Here's the link again, please share and promote this great and worthy cause #macmillan

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