Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Gin soaked you say.....

3th May

Tick, tock, tick, tock.....

With only a few days to go, all the preparation will shortly come to fruition. My final twenty mile walk, followed by five pints and two shots of tequila went very well. Afterwards was a bit of a blur and the next day, I was a bit tired/hungover/knackered/worn out/exhausted (delete as appropriate). I've now become the biggest light weight with drinking, after five pints I was reduced to the intelligence levels of one of those sign language chimpanzees, who could just about ask for a grape.....in my case it was tequila.

I've taken advice from everyone, some more than others. One in particular the other day whom I slightly misunderstood. When I said my feet hurt and they said “blah, blah, blah gin soaked…” I though it was some holistic remedy for achy feet. I promise to try and listen next time *he says keeping fingers crossed.

So with the immense generosity of donations, reciprocity will bolster us on. I'm incredibly humbled by the amount, I will not let you down.

On another plus, the weather forecast is improving, from perfect storm/build an Ark to overcast with occasional rain. I'm hoping that the thermos filled with alcoholic hot chocolate will be the remedy for tired feet, plus the pub will be the light at the end of the daily tunnel.

The support team will be on hand to drop essential supplies, like beer or non alcoholic beverages(does shandy count)......like mixers!

Bags all packed and ready, maps downloaded, route prepped and established, gear(not that kind) all ready and beside the slightly unsettling nervous feeling, the time is nigh. I will try and detox this week, pack in yoga(who am I kidding) and eat healthily. Rest up, carb up and drink up, I'm mean relax.....well maybe a few drinks, or two, but that's it.

Here's the link again, please share and promote this great and worthy cause #macmillan

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