Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy New year!

So as we herald the new year, I reflect on the last. Losing friends(I don't mean facebook culling), leaving friends(season, reason, life in prison) and making so many new ones. It's been a roller coaster year of travel and fun. And December was a very fitting end to the crazy year. 
In Windsor for the annual '12 pubs of christmas', it proved a great start to the festivities. The challenging 12 pubs in 6 hours ended up with more drinks than pubs, WTF!?!?
 Thankfully we didn't go for a 'nativity scened theme' this year but for Christmas jumpers and onesies.........I feared it would prove too challenging finding three wise men and a virgin in Windsor, so shagging reindeer jumpers won the day. 
 It was a crazy night, not crazy like an ageing ballerina or crazy like a grown up child prodigy.......oh god or even crazy like a professional magician that does balloon blowing up.........but crazy like a loon, it was an alcohol fuelled night of laughs and fun. Over 30 finished the course and no one died, win win. I do love December and Santa's birthday. 

So Happy New Year to you all, here's to another year of shameful binge drinking, eating and/or merrymaking. More travel, fun and continuous running from growing up. More adventures and challenges, always when your head says "don't do it" but heart says "do it" long as your stomach doesn't then say "supersize it".

Let the New Year bring social media consciousness to a level of total disinterest in banal, platitudinous rhetoric or cries of mediocrity. Here's to shaming, praising, recognising and throwing pass remarkable comments worthy of champions. I'm hoping to make hundreds of drunk, inappropriate, witty retorts, pictures and assured I will never let you down, just myself, my Mother and any other responsible adults who might be watching. 
I will raise the bar on ridiculous quips, photo situations and downloads; sharing mercilessly and hopefully making my parents eyes roll....I can just imagine them both looking down, head in hands :)

Let's raise our glass to a great year, here's to health and happiness. Hoping your X's become XL's and remembering bitches, life isn't a fairytale, if you lose a shoe at midnight.......go home, your drunk x